Door Handle Retainer & Door Handle Retainer Catch of Container

Door Handle Retainer & Door Handle Retainer Catch of Container

Door Handle Retainer Explained

Is a part of Door Lock Handle Assembly and it holds door handle in a closed position, In a container usually four door handle retainers are fixed to the both doors ( each door two handle retainers )

Also known as Door handle Retainer Plate, Door Locking Device Retainer

Door Lock Handle Assembly = Door Handle Retainer + Door Handle Catch

Door Handle Retainer Catch Explained

Is a rotating part of Door Lock Handle Assembly and it locks door handle in a closed position, In a container usually four door handle catches are fixed to the both doors ( each door two handle retainers )

Also retainer catch known as Door Handle Custom Catch, Door Locking Device Retainer Catch

Door Lock Handle Assembly = Door Handle Retainer + Door Handle Catch

What are the types of Door Handle Retainer ?

  • Forging Type Handle Retainer (Forged Handle Retainer)
  • Press Type Handle Retainer (Pressed Handle Retainer / Flat handle )
  • Forging Type Handle Retainer (without hole)

What are the types of Door Handle Retainer Catch ?

  • Forging Type Retainer Catch ( Forged Retainer Catch )
  • Press Type Retainer Catch ( Pressed Retainer Catch / Flat Custom Catch )
  • Forging Type Retainer Catch ( without hole )

Measurement and Dimensions of Door Handle Retainer ?

Forging Type Retainer Catch ( Forged Retainer Catch ) Press Type Retainer Catch ( Pressed Retainer Catch / Flat Custom Catch ) Forging Type Retainer Catch ( without hole ) Door Handle Retainer Catch
Measurement and Dimensions of Door Handle Retainer

Measurement and Dimensions of Door Handle Retainer Catch ?

Dimensions of Door Handle Retainer
Dimensions of Door Handle Retainer

What are the Damages can be happened on Door Handle Retainer ?

  • Broken
  • Cut / Crack
  • Loose
  • Missing
  • Bent
  • Tight

What are the Damages can be happened on Door Handle Retainer Catch ?

  • Broken
  • Cut / Crack
  • Loose
  • Missing
  • Bent
  • Tight
  • Straightening
  • Replacement
  • Refit
  • Free up
  • Straightening
  • Replacement
  • Refit
  • Free up

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